The "Pancakes vs. Prayer" lawsuit has left the courthouse. In case you didn't know, International House of Pancakes had filed a trademark infringement suit in federal court against the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, MO. Both groups go by the nickname of IHOP. The parties have agreed not to discuss the matter publicly and are seeking to resolve the matter through private mediation.
Frankly, I'm glad to hear that the suit was dropped because I like both IHOPs. I've been to the Prayer IHOP on several occasions and have been greatly blessed there. It's not really a church per se as the news media has called it. It is really a prayer ministry that has conducted a continuous prayer and worship meeting for 11 years. They truly seek to honor the True and Living God there and to exalt the name of Jesus. You can visit their website and view the prayer service live here: The Prayer Room
I also like to eat at the Pancake House, and I'm glad that they decided to drop the suit because I was going to boycott them. Now I can eat there again. For fairness sake, here is a link to their website as well: The Pancake House
The funny thing is that I usually go to the pancake IHOP in Kansas City when I visit the prayer IHOP! It is a great place to get nourishment for my body after I've nourished my spirit with prayer and worship.