Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Federal Courts in California Strike Again!

A federal court judge in California has ruled that it is okay for the University of California (UC) to deny credit to students for high school subjects taught from Christian textbooks. Basically, this implies that the university doesn't have to admit any student who went to a Christian high school or was homeschooled using Christian texts.

You can read a Fox News story about the decision here:,2933,402761,00.html

I find this ruling utterly ridiculous. This is yet another example of intolerance of Christian viewpoints in our society today. If this decision is upheld, it will provide a precedent for this type of religious discrimination across the country.

This case again highlights the hypocrisy of the secularists. Secular educators don't really want critical thinking. If they did, they would welcome dialog from Creationists and others with alternate explanations of origins. All the secularist really want is to push their evolutionary agenda and to close students off from other viewpoints.

Hopefully, this unscrupulous decision will be reversed, but if not, we have just taken another giant step for mankind away from the truth and away from the Creator. He can handle it, but can we?

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